JTC-4053 33PCS預熱塞螺牙修護組 @% TWJTC-4053
JTC-4053 33PCS預熱塞螺牙修護組 @% TWJTC-4053
Designed to repair the thread for the glow plug threads. Tap size:M8 x1.0, M10 x1.0, M10 x1.25, M12 x1.0, M12 x1.25, M14 x1.25 Thread coil size:M8 x1.0 (I) - M10 x1.0 (E), M10 x1.0 (I) - M12 x1.0 (E), M10 x1.25 (I) - M12 x1.25 (E), M12 x1.25(I) - M14 x1.25 (E) 2-Thread coil driver
jtc-4053 33pcs預熱塞螺牙修護組twjtc-4053 %
jtc-4053 33pcs預熱塞螺牙修護組twjtc-4053 %
丝锥大小:M8 X1.0 X1.0,M10,M10 x1.25X1.0,M12,
x1.25 M14 M12,x1.25
螺纹M8 X1.0线圈尺寸:(我)- M10 X1.0(E),
M10 X1.0(我)- M12 X1.0(E),
x1.25 M10(我)- M12 x1.25(E),
(我)- M14 M12 x1.25 x1.25(E)
2-thread线圈驱动 |